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Where we are in our Sustainability Journey

Posted By

Caitlin Turner

Author_Eleanor-Good Education Lifestyle Advice Product_Clean-lean-protein Supplements

Nuzest is a small, family-owned and operated business, and we believe in a planet thriving on plant-based nutrition. We make premium nutritional supplements to support the health and wellbeing of the individual, our wider communities and aim to contribute to a healthy planet.

We have a genuine concern for the environment. It is the reason we are a plant based nutrition company and it is the reason we have chosen the supplier of our raw materials; a company that uses no chemicals in its isolation process, purifies and recycles the water it uses and turns all waste into biofuel and animal food. It even transports the peas into its facility in Belgium by barge to reduce its carbon footprint. Indeed, peas themselves are the most sustainable source of animal and vegetable protein. They use less land and less water whilst putting nitrogen back into the soil. By definition they are a sustainable crop.

There are of course other basic eco-friendly initiatives at play in our office including actively recycling, a push to be paperless, and the use of recycled paper for notebooks and photocopying where required. We have chosen a 5-star energy rated building for our offices and installed energy efficient lighting.

There are many companies researching and attempting to develop sustainable packaging and we are actively following progress. However biodegradable plastics and paper still do not have the air and watertight integrity necessary for food protection and 24-month shelf stability. The most environmentally responsible packaging at this point is the HDPE plastic jars we currently use, purely because they are 100% recyclable (just remove the label).

Paper pouches all have foil lining which means they cannot be recycled and go to land fill.

Cardboard cannisters also have a foil lining and it is only the lining that can be recycled. The issue is that to recover the foil, the carboard needs to be burned which creates pollution and carbon emissions. It is also excessively expensive to recover and there are very few recycling plants capable of doing it. The result is that most of these cardboard cannisters with their foil lining goes to landfill, just like the paper pouches. Both the paper pouches and the cannisters are much less expensive than the HDPE we use. For those using them, there is a double benefit; lower costs and an “impression” of being environmentally responsible. That is not us.

We are certain that eventually technology will have an answer and when that solution is available, we will take it up. In the interim we will continue to use the more sustainable and environmentally responsible solution being HDPE jars.

We are well down the path of looking at ways we can improve our environmental sustainability initiatives whilst also providing a product that meets the high standards we set ourselves in delivering a premium product to our customers.